Question Bank for Software Project Management
1. What is software project Management?
2. What do you mean by a project? How a software project is different?
3. Describe project life cycle.
4. What are the various cost estimation techniques? Give in brief.
5. Explain COCOMO as a cost estimation model.
6. What are software sizing approaches/explain FPA in detail.
7. Give significance of risk management in software project.
8. “Software reviews are filter for software process” comment.
9. Explain PERT with suitable example.
10. Describe various software project time estimation tools, with suitable illustration.
11. Write a short note on software implementation.
12. Describe various types of testing technique.
13. Explain software quality factors given by Mc’Call.
14. Describe SQA.
15. Explain five phases of SEI-CMM.
16. Describe ISO-9000 series in brief.
17. What is software testing? Give various testing techniques.
18. What is SEI-CMM? Why it is beneficial to implement it in the software industry.
19. What is maintainability? Discuss various maintainability metrics.
20. What are the activities followed in software Quality Assurance?
21. Explain the SCM process in detail.
22. What are different software quality standards? Explain in detail SEI –CMM and its significance with the software Industry.
23. What do you mean by project? Describe project life cycle.
24. Explain recruitment process of IT personnel.
25. What is project team organization?
26. What is quality assurance and standards? Discuss the formal process of carrying out software quality assurance.
27. What is importance of testing in QA? Explain various testing strategies in detail.
28. What is Software Project Management (SPM)? Explain in detail various phases of project management life cycle.
29. What is software Configuration Management? Explain in detail various stages of Software Configuration Management.
30. What are different cost estimation techniques? Explain COCOMO model in detail with suitable example.
31. What do you understand by term Software Quality Assurance? Describe formal process of carrying out by SQA.
32. How do you estimate the software project time? Describe the methods of time estimation of software projects with suitable example.
33. Describe the aspect of software teams with different types of team with their suitability of projects
Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of the following.
- Function Point Analysis (FPA)
- Black box Vs White box testing
- Alpha vs. Beta testing
- Load Vs Stress Testing
Give Short notes:
2. Project Scheduling techniques.
4. FPA
5. Risk Management.
6. Change management.
7. Delphi Technique
8. Gantt chart
9. Project life Cycle
10. FTR
11. Types of implementation
12. Version control
13. Ms-Project
14. Network Diagram.
15. Black box Vs White box testing
16. Acceptance testing
17. CPM
18. Alpha vs. Beta testing
19. Load Vs Stress Testing
20. ISO 9001-2000
21. Scheduling and tracking
22. WBS
23. SCM
24. Rayleigh Curve
25. Change Control